Chispa Connecticut – Spring 2019

May 1, 2019

Chispa Connecticut partnered with community leaders from the CT Roundtable on Climate and Jobs, the Amalgamated Transit Union, Transport Hartford Academy, and the Greater Hartford NAACP in paying homage to Rosa Parks’ legacy and called for expansion of safe, affordable transportation.


Chispa Connecticut’s Taylor Robertson co-organized the Hartford Youth Climate Strike along with five other organizers. The organizers laid out demands for an equitable transition to a 100% renewable run economy, complete divestment from fossil fuels, as well as prioritization of government aid to communities marginalized by climate change. The demonstration had a turnout of over 200 activists. The organizers and volunteers met with two members of the Energy & Technology Committee.


The team  joined Waterbury’s South End residents in delivering testimony in favor of Representative Reyes’ bill that would evaluate the state’s environmental justice policy. The bill is a direct result of the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection allowing a garbage facility expansion at the expense of Waterbury residents’ right to clean air. The bill has been approved by the Environment Committee and will head to the House floor for a vote.