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Washington, DC: In response to Secretary Hillary Clinton’s speech in New York today, the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund released the following statement from Tiernan Sittenfeld, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs:
“Kudos to Secretary Clinton! We’re thrilled that today’s powerful speech builds on her long record of environmental leadership by making crystal clear that climate change will be a top priority throughout her campaign. As a senator, Clinton supported comprehensive climate change legislation and efforts to promote clean energy and energy efficiency. As Secretary of State, she helped lead international climate negotiations, and she created the Climate and Clean Air Coalition with other countries to reduce climate super pollutants like soot and methane. At LCV’s dinner in December she said that President Obama’s Climate Action Plan must be protected at all costs. Secretary Clinton said investing in clean energy will create millions of jobs and will let us lead the global fight against climate change, we couldn’t agree more. We commend Secretary Clinton for her excellent speech today and encourage all candidates to match this level of commitment to acting on climate.”
Paid for by League of Conservation Voters Action Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.