Press Releases

LCV Action Fund Endorses Emily Cain for Congress

Mar 18, 2014

WASHINGTON, DC—The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund, which works to elect candidates who will implement sound environmental policies, announced today its endorsement of Emily Cain for Congress (ME-2). Cain supports action on climate change and advocates for a transition to a clean energy economy that will create jobs in Maine and across the country. 

“Emily Cain is a leader who embraces our moral obligation to address climate change,” said LCV Action Fund President Gene Karpinski. “She stands up for public health and our environment and will be a strong voice against polluters seeking to stop the scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from protecting the air we breathe and the water we drink.”

“Emily Cain has a strong record of fighting for Maine’s environment and the health of our families,” said Maureen Drouin, Executive Director of Maine Conservation Voters (MCV).  “As a state senator, Emily has worked hard to conserve Maine’s forests, waters and wildlife while advancing policies to expand Maine’s clean energy and energy efficiency sectors.” 

“I want to thank the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund for its strong endorsement and for the work the organization does on critical environmental issues in our state,” Cain said. “Maine’s economy depends on a healthy environment. We must safeguard our clean air and clean water, protect our children from toxins and make the fight against climate change a top priority. Those are the Maine values I’ll take with me to Washington.” 

Cain’s strong environmental voting record in the Maine Legislature has earned her a 90% lifetime score on MCV’s Scorecard. She knows there is an urgent need to start tackling the climate crisis. That is why at a rally this past summer she voiced her strong support for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to place limits on the amount carbon pollution power plants can spew into our air. Cain also supports policies that will reduce our dependence on dirty fossil fuels while increasing Maine’s energy efficiency and clean energy capabilities.  

Cain’s environmental record makes her the clear choice for voters. Her opponent in the Democratic primary, State Senator Troy Jackson, has earned a 64% lifetime score on MCV’s Scorecard, which is the lowest score of any Democrat in the state senate. 

Jackson’s voting record has often put Maine’s clean water, human health and North Woods at risk.  He voted to weaken Maine’s energy efficiency standards, and repeal Maine’s pesticide notification registry. He voted against cleaning up the Androscoggin and St. Croix Rivers, and voted against establishing carbon pollution standards for coal gasification and other major new power plants in Maine.  Last year, Jackson was the lead sponsor of legislation that would put the state’s already vulnerable wild brook trout population at risk. 

Emily Cain will be featured on LCV Action Fund’s GiveGreen website,, the only bundling website devoted exclusively to raising money for environmental champions and candidates.


Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund and authorized by Emily Cain for Congress.