Washington, D.C.: In response to the Department of Energy’s newly released analysis on the environmental and economic impacts of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exports, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Chispa Texas released the following statements:
“With higher costs and more harmful pollution, these studies further underscore that continued LNG exports only benefits oil and gas executives seeking to pad their profits,” said LCV Vice President of Government Affairs Sara Chieffo. “These studies clearly show that continuing the massive buildout of LNG exports is a bad bet for the economy with harmful environmental impacts – raising energy prices for families, increasing costs for manufacturers and endangering the health of frontline communities already overburdened by pollution and the climate crisis. With such negative impacts from LNG exports, it’s clear the Biden-Harris administration was right to take the time to do this evaluation. It is also clearer than ever that continued buildout of LNG exports is not in the public interest. To keep energy affordable and pollution from getting out of control, we must heed the results of these studies and DOE should move to deny new LNG exports projects. ”
For more information, see LCV’s LNG fact sheet.
“We all lose with Liquefied Natural Gas “LNG” exports. It only makes the rich richer while raising prices and poisoning us,” said Chispa Texas Program Director Elida Castillo. “This new DOE study helps further demonstrate that our Gulf communities who are being harmed every day by the toxic emissions of formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide, etc. that come from LNG facilities shouldn’t continue to be sacrificed in the name of the false promise of cheaper fuel. These exported fracked gas shipments are driving up foreign and domestic energy costs around the world, contributing to inflation and increasing what we all pay for everyday items. The price also comes with poisoned water and more methane emissions. In short, the only winners here are a small group of LNG facility owners and their shareholders who have been making billions at the cost of our health, communities, environment, and pocketbooks. Chispa Texas will keep working with our frontline communities to submit comments to the Department of Energy to strengthen their analysis and offer a fuller picture of all the ways LNG harms our communities.”