Scranton, PA– Today, President Biden will be in Scranton highlighting the need for federal climate action. His visit will focus on bolstering support for climate and clean energy provisions of the Build Back Better Act. Alongside his visit, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) will run a digital ad campaign in Scranton and surrounding communities. These ads will urge Congress not to miss this opportunity to take bold climate action by investing in clean energy, high-quality union jobs, and environmental justice.
Welcome President Biden, we’re ready to get building.
“When I think climate change I think jobs.”
Pennsylvania is ready to get to work, and we know you are too.
Thanks for keeping up the fight for climate action and clean energy jobs!
Scranton is known as “Electric City”, a nickname that began when electric lights were introduced in 1880 at the Dickson Manufacturing Company. In 1886, the United States’ first successful streetcars powered only by electricity began operating in Scranton.
Earlier this year, Pennsylvania artist Bill Strobel (@billstro4_art) used this history as inspiration for an art activation calling for federal climate action: