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WASHINGTON, DC – As President Obama releases the final Clean Power Plan this afternoon and presidential candidates have begun to weigh in, the League of Conservation Voters and NRDC Action Fund released a new poll conducted by Republican polling firm American Viewpoint of Republican primary voters in the critical early primary states of New Hampshire and South Carolina showing how there may be a disconnect between many candidates and likely primary voters. See here for American Viewpoint’s memo highlighting the results of the poll, and see here for a full breakdown of the poll results.
Overview of the Results:
1. The Republican primary electorate in both states is fairly conservative, yet they still show support for pro-environment policies.
2. Republican primary voters prefer more renewable energy, such as wind and solar, over traditional energy sources.
3. There are several clean energy policies that have broad appeal to Republican primary voters.
4. Majorities of Republican primary voters believe in climate change.
5. There is significant support among Republican primary voters for policies to address carbon pollution.