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LCV Statement Ahead of Colorado Senate Debate

Oct 15, 2014

WASHINGTON – League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Senior Vice President for Campaigns Daniel J. Weiss released this statement ahead of the Colorado Senate debate later today. LCV launched a nearly $1 million television ad campaign in the race yesterday, highlighting Republican candidate Cory Gardner’s attempts at hiding his real record on environmental safeguards and women’s health care. 

“Cory Gardner should stop hiding behind his slick TV ads and tell voters the full truth about his extreme record. He’s a climate science denier who’s voted time and again to weaken water and air safeguards just to protect the profits of polluters who are propping up his campaign. Cory Gardner may claim to be a ‘new kind of Republican,’ but he supports the same old radical agenda that only an oil billionaire Koch Brother could love.”


Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.