Washington, DC – Yesterday, Governor Jeb Bush released his plan attacking environmental safeguards under the guise of regulatory reform. In response, LCV Vice President of Campaigns Daniel J. Weiss issued the following statement:
“Governor Bush is misleading the public about the benefits of the Clean Power Plan, which contrary to his claims, will grow the economy, protect public health, and combat climate change. His new plan also includes a reckless attack on the Clean Water Rule, putting the drinking water of one in three Americans at risk of contamination. Bush’s proposal to block water safeguards will make a splash with the Koch brothers and big oil, but his proposal demonstrates an utter disregard for public health and ignores strong public support. In fact, 68 percent of Republicans support the Clean Water Rule, and 45 percent of Republican primary voters in New Hampshire and South Carolina believe environmental laws need to be tougher or better enforced.”