Press Releases

LCV Statement on Implementation of Prevailing Wage and Registered Apprenticeship Rules in IRA

Jun 18, 2024

Washington, DC.– In response to the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service announcing the final rule for the prevailing wage and registered apprenticeship provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act, the League of Conservation Voters released the following statement from Vice President of Government Affairs, Sara Chieffo:

“We applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for finalizing this new rule, which marks a crucial step forward toward delivering on the promise of creating good-paying, family-sustaining, union jobs as a core part of building a clean energy future. This administration understands that good jobs and climate action go hand in hand, and we look forward to working together to ensure that these rules are effectively implemented, so workers and communities across the country can continue to see the impacts of and benefit from the President’s historic affordable clean energy plan.”
