Washington, DC – In response to Sen. Ron Johnson’s factually incorrect claims made during a radio interview this week that climate change “hasn’t been proven scientifically,” and his incendiary remarks comparing environmentalists to dictators like Stalin, LCV National Campaigns Director Clay Schroers issued the following statement:
“Someone should probably tell Johnson that facts matter, and when they don’t agree with what your Big Oil benefactors want, you don’t get to just make up your own. The facts are simple – 97% of scientists agree the planet is warming, human activity is a significant cause, and we have the tools to combat this threat by investing in clean energy renewables and ending taxpayer handouts for Big Oil. Of course, Johnson’s already shown he’s allergic to commonsense solutions on behalf of Wisconsin’s families, especially when it conflicts with the interests of the Big Polluters that fund his campaigns.”
Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters, www.lcv.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.