Press Releases

LCV Statement on Trump’s Speech at the Shale Insight Conference

Sep 22, 2016

CONTACT: Seth Stein, 202-454-4573 or

Washington, DC – In response to the energy proposals Donald Trump made today at the Shale Insight Conference, LCV National Campaigns Director Clay Schroers issued the following statement:

“Trump continues to spew fact-free talking points carbon-copied from his Big Polluter allies. In his energy speech today, Trump again showed how unfit he is for the White House by doubling-down on plans that would give the fossil fuel industry carte blanche to do as they please, at a significant cost to public health, and our clean air and water.  Hillary Clinton is the only candidate in this race who will continue the significant progress we’ve made on curbing harmful climate change that is damaging our health, economy and environment.”


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