Washington, D.C. – LCV Victory Fund launched a new $275,000 anti-Herrell ad buy in New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District this week, highlighting Rep. Yvette Herrell’s anti-democratic extremism, including voting to protect Marjorie Taylor Greene and voting against seeking justice for the police who protected the Capitol on January 6th. Herrell is a member of LCV Victory Fund’s 2022 Dirty Dozen list of the worst anti-environment, anti-democracy candidates.
WATCH: “Twilight”
The Twilight Zone-themed ad began running Monday on TV in the Albuquerque media market and on YouTube. LCV Victory Fund and Climate Power Action are also currently running digital ads and will be sending direct mail to a targeted group of climate voters in NM-02 in support of Herrell’s pro-environment challenger Gabe Vasquez as part of the Climate Voters Mobilization. LCVVF also ran a TV ad in NM-02 in September calling attention to Rep. Herrell’s votes to allow poisonous chemicals like mercury to pollute New Mexico’s precious land and water resources.
“It’s no surprise that the NRCC is launching misleading attack ads in New Mexico’s 2nd District – their extreme anti-democracy candidate Yvette Herrell is living in a different world than New Mexico,” said Eva Estrada, LCV Victory Fund Regional Campaigns Director. “New Mexicans can do a hell of a lot better than election denier and friend to Marjorie Taylor Greene Yvette Herrell. It’s time for change, and time for Gabe Vasquez to represent New Mexico’s 2nd District in Congress.”
In addition to her anti-democracy record, Rep. Herrell has an atrocious 0% lifetime LCV score and is one of the top 10 recipients of oil and gas contributions in the House, having already raked in nearly $200,000 from the oil and gas industry this cycle. Herrell has a long history of siding with special interests to advance her own career – she has long standing relationships with Koch-funded lobbying group ALEC and proposed an extreme attack on New Mexico’s public lands that could result in national parks being sold off to private developers when she was in the NM House. Herrell’s anti-environment votes include opposing the Inflation Reduction Act and voting against the overwhelmingly popular Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act. Herrell praised the Supreme Court decision in WV vs. EPA, while the largest climate-fueled wildfire in New Mexico’s history ravaged her state and displaced thousands.
Full script of new ad below.
Yvette Herrell lives in a different world
A world where the people tasked with upholding our democracy
Are defending those tearing it down
Herrell voted to protect an extremist who supported executing another member of Congress
And against getting justice for the brave officers who defended the Capitol on January 6th
Extreme Yvette Herrell is living in another world
It’s just not New Mexico
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Paid for by LCV Victory Fund, www.lcvvictoryfund.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.