Press Releases

LCV’s Statement on the Expansion of the Papahnaumokukea Marine National Monument

Aug 26, 2016

Washington, DC – League of Conservation Voters (LCV) President Gene Karpinski released this statement following reports that President Obama is expanding the Papahnaumokukea Marine National Monument.

“This is a great day for our oceans. President Obama has already protected more land and water than any other president in history, and he continues to lead by example by creating the largest marine protected area in the world. The expanded Papahnaumokukea Marine National Monument will provide refuge for the area’s unique wildlife, help the region’s fisheries flourish, and mitigate the harmful impacts of climate change that are already taking a devastating toll on our oceans. We applaud President Obama and Senator Brian Schatz for their leadership in this historic effort. The United States is leading the world in ocean conservation, but it will take a global effort to provide the protections our oceans need.”
