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League of Conservation Voters’ President Gene Karpinski to Address DNC

Jul 24, 2016

Thursday evening remarks will contrast climate change denier Donald Trump with climate and clean energy champion Hillary Clinton.

PHILADELPHIA, PA – Today, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is announcing its President, Gene Karpinski, will address the Democratic National Committee Convention on Thursday night.

In the hours leading up to Hillary Clinton’s historic address to the nation, Karpinski will discuss LCV’s commitment to electing Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine and defeating Donald Trump. Karpinski will also discuss the threat Donald Trump poses to the historic progress the current administration has made to fight climate change, as opposed to Clinton’s bold plans to build a clean energy future that works for everyone.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to address a convention where fighting climate change is clearly a top priority,” said Karpinski. “All week we will be drawing the sharp contrast between Donald Trump’s reckless rhetoric and fossil-fuel loving proposals with Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine, who have the ambition, plans and proven leadership to win on climate.”

Separately on Tuesday afternoon, LCV will co-host a reception with NextGen Climate, NRDC Action Fund, Sierra Club and Environment and Clean Tech for Hillary called “Winning on Climate Together,” featuring John Podesta, Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Katie McGinty, Ted Strickland and the Hip Hop Caucus’ Rev. Lennox Yearwood.

The League of Conservation Voters Action Fund was the first environmental group to endorse Hillary Clinton this cycle, its earliest endorsement for President in its history.

Gene Karpinski and other top LCV policy and political officials are available for interviews all week in Philadelphia.

To RSVP for Tuesday afternoon’s reception, or for media inquiries about Gene Karpinski’s remarks, contact Seth Stein at


Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.