Press Releases

LCV and OLCV Statement on Postponement of Oregon Offshore Wind Lease Sale

Sep 27, 2024

Washington D.C. – In response to today’s announcement that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is postponing the Oregon offshore wind area auction, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) and Oregon League of Conservation Voters (OLCV)  issued the following statements:

“Responsible siting of offshore wind means federal, state, and local leaders must work in partnership with communities to achieve equitable results that provide tangible benefits while tackling the climate crisis with clean energy,” said David Shadburn, Senior Government Affairs Advocate at League of Conservation Voters. “The Oregon Offshore Wind Roadmap process will ensure all voices are heard and Oregonians can create a lasting consensus. We look forward to seeing this intentional process continue so Oregon can pursue responsibly-sited offshore wind, diversify its clean renewable energy, and create good-paying jobs across the state.”

“Today’s announcement underscores that offshore wind’s promise of transformational local investments, stabilizing energy prices, cutting pollution, and creating family-sustaining, local jobs, is best realized when done in consultation with local communities,” said Lindsey Scholten, Executive Director for Oregon League of Conservation Voters. “Oregon Tribes, frontline communities, developers, organized labor, the fishing industries, and coastal communities must all be heard through the Oregon Offshore Wind Roadmap process to ensure everyone’s concerns are addressed and we all share in the benefits that offshore wind energy can deliver for our state.”