Emilia Sykes has been a staunch defender of Ohioans’ right to clean drinking water, clean air, a healthy environment, and a strong democracy during her time as a Ohio state representative.
In 2014, Sykes was elected to the Ohio House House of Representatives, where she led efforts to repeal House Bill 6, a corrupt bill gutting clean energy and energy efficiency programs. She instead advocated for a proposed alternative Clean Energy Jobs plan that would establish a 50% renewable energy portfolio standard by 2050, encourage wind and solar development, expand weatherization programs for low-income communities, and create training programs for clean energy jobs. She fought to protect democracy by introducing legislation requiring boards of elections to provide secure ballot drop boxes and to strengthen Ohio’s campaign finance laws, and organized a “Freedom To Vote Tour” with legislators across the state to advocate against anti-voter bills that undermined Ohio’s election integrity.
As a representative, Sykes is dedicated to fighting for environmental justice, equality, and sustainability to fight the climate crisis and bring quality jobs to Ohio.
Sykes joins the U.S. House to fill the seat of Representative Tim Ryan, who ran for U.S. Senate and earned a 91% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.
In her own words:
“Having studied public health, I know how clear the connection is between environmental factors, such as access to clean air and water, and the health of our communities. In Congress, I’ll fight for solutions to secure a sustainable, healthy future for every neighborhood while ensuring we bring and keep good jobs to Northeast Ohio.”
– LCVAF Press Release