Ensure a healthy and sustainable planet for future generations and establish your legacy with a planned gift.
When you leave a gift to LCV in your will or estate plan, you help ensure our long-term ability to create a healthier, safer, and more prosperous climate for those who follow.
There are simple steps you can take right now to make sure your legacy includes building power for people and the planet. Adding LCV to your will, listing LCV as a beneficiary on your retirement account, and including LCV in your estate plans can ensure that your values live on for generations.
Flexible planned giving options mean that you can make decisions now, adjust your plans later, and leave a planned gift that costs you nothing today. The benefits of leaving a planned gift include:
Make a planned gift and join the LCV Legacy Society today.
Include LCV as a beneficiary — or a contingent beneficiary to be next in line after loved ones — of retirement accounts, life insurance policies, bank or brokerage accounts, donor-advised funds, and more. To do so, request a beneficiary designation form from your plan administrator, fill it out, and return it. Read more in our Guide to Planned Giving (PDF).
You can make a gift through your will or living trust, also known as a bequest.
To leave a gift for the environment in your will or trust, use the following language:
“I hereby give and bequeath $__, or __ percent of the residue of my estate to The League of Conservation Voters, Inc., a Maryland nonprofit corporation exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, 740 15th St NW Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005, Federal tax ID number 52-1733698.”
Make a gift of appreciated securities — stocks, bonds or mutual fund shares — to LCV. (Please note that stock gifts to LCV, Inc. are not tax-deductible.) To do so, fill out this form (PDF) and email it to Rowel Leung at rleung@lcv.org.
By informing us of your plans, LCV can better allocate our resources to help people and the planet. If you’ve already included us in your will, let us know with this quick form.
We’re in it for the long haul — and you can be, too. Email us at legacy@lcv.org to learn more, and download our Guide to Planned Giving (PDF) or view it below.
Lucinda, LCV Legacy Society Member, New Hampshire
Gifts to the League of Conservation Voters, a 501 (c)(4) nonprofit corporation, are not tax-deductible.
League of Conservation Voters – The information on this page is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in examples are for hypothetical purposes only and are subject to change. References to estate and income taxes include federal taxes only. State income/estate taxes or state law may impact your results.