House Representative

McDonald Rivet

Kristen McDonald Rivet

Kristen McDonald Rivet is a strong supporter of environmental protections who fought to pass critical clean energy legislation during her tenure as a state senator.

McDonald Rivet earned her undergraduate degree from Michigan State University, becoming one of the first members of her family to earn a college degree. She went on to earn a master’s degree from the University of Michigan-Flint, before serving as the chief of staff for the Michigan Department of Education, executive director of Michigan Head Start, and as a member of the Bay City Commission. In 2022, McDonald Rivet became the first woman elected to serve the Great Lakes Bay Region in the Michigan Senate, and was instrumental in helping to pass Michigan’s historic 100% clean energy bill. Her other efforts to address climate change include sponsoring legislation to protect farmers’ right to host solar projects on their land and supporting a bill to make it easier to site large wind and solar energy projects in Michigan.

As a representative, McDonald Rivet will continue working to reduce carbon emissions, improve climate resilience against extreme weather, and fight to bring good jobs, clean energy, and environmental justice to communities in Michigan and nationwide. McDonald Rivet holds a perfect 100% lifetime score from Michigan LCV.

McDonald Rivet joins the U.S. House to fill the seat of retiring Representative Dan Kildee, who earned a 97% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.

“The climate crisis is an urgent threat to our way of life. Failing to make the proper investments today will result in not only increases in catastrophic weather events that devastate communities, but will also cost more in the long run.” – LCVAF Questionnaire