House Representative

Gluesenkamp Pérez

Portrait of Marie Gluesenkamp Pérez

Marie Gluesenkamp Pérez is a community leader and small business owner who will prioritize the health and well-being of communities and fight for bold climate action that advances clean energy, jobs, and justice over polluter profits.

Pérez owns an independent auto-repair shop that she opened in 2018 with her husband using a loan from the Small Business Association. Pérez’s mother is a sixth generation Washingtonian and her father immigrated to the United States from Mexico. Pérez is an elected member of the Democratic National Committee, is on the executive committee of the Washington State Democratic Party, and has served on the Underwood Soil and Water Conservation District board of supervisors since 2018.

As a representative, Pérez will work to achieve clean energy independence, expand the availability of electric vehicles, and increase the use of renewable packaging. She is also focused on addressing microplastic pollution and studying the impacts they have on Washingtonians.

Pérez joins the U.S. House to fill the seat vacated by Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, who was defeated in the primary and earned a 13% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard. Pérez is the first Latina Democrat to represent Washington State in Congress.

In her own words:

“As a resident of a rural community that depends on sustainable forestry, I’m committed to advancing clean energy — including adding electric charging infrastructure in rural communities like mine — and promoting renewable packaging like cardboard so we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and cut back on the environmental harm caused by overuse of plastics.”
– LCVAF Press Release