Our Newest National Monuments, Public Lands, and What’s at Stake
Jan 14, 2025
From: LCV
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 5:54 PM
To: ‘jack@twitter.com’ <jack@twitter.com>; ‘press@twitter.com’ <press@twitter.com>
Cc: ‘lneaman@twitter.com’ <lneaman@twitter.com>; ‘mdorward@twitter.com’ <mdorward@twitter.com>
Subject: 21 environmental orgs: Allow climate change related Twitter ads under new rules
Dear Mr. Dorsey and Twitter Communications and Political Teams:
As you consider new rules governing “political” advertising on your platform, we are writing today to demand that climate change, which is now an active threat to communities and the planet we rely on, be excluded from any designation that would mute the public conversation about causes, impacts and solutions to the climate crisis.
Our climate is in crisis. Scientific reports say we have fewer than 12 years to take the action needed to combat the worst effects of climate change. Scientists, public health leaders, many elected leaders, activists — especially those on the frontlines of climate impacts — and environmental organizations of all sizes are working relentlessly to create solutions that will ensure a livable planet for the next generation.
Climate action is about the health of our planet and justice for the communities who have too long endured the worst effects of pollution and bad environmental policy.
As advocates, we must have the ability to disseminate the urgency of our work and mission to the public and, when necessary, hold elected officials accountable for their failure to act. By designating climate change a “political” issue, Twitter will be legitimizing the one-sided and extremist view that climate change is rooted in politics instead of scientific consensus. Limiting our ability to inform the public of the pressing danger of the climate crisis and our ability to advocate for common sense solutions that uplift every community and create economic opportunity while allowing corporations like Exxon to run special interest ads creates a dangerous imbalance. It also stacks the deck in favor of big corporations with deep pockets and against impacted communities — often low-income and communities of color — fighting for survival.
Twitter’s platform is designed to encourage debate and engagement and stifling the discussion about climate change will only delay solutions and further imperil our climate.
Thank you for your consideration.
The League of Conservation Voters
American Rivers
Braided River
CampSight Strategic Communications
Clean Air Carolina
Defenders of Wildlife
Endangered Species Coalition
Florida Clinicians for Climate Action
Friends of Alaska National Wildlife Refuges
George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication
George Mason University Program on Climate and Health
Heartquist Strategies
Interfaith Power & Light
Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance
Mothers and Others for Clean Air
National Audubon Society
National Parks Conservation Association
National Wildlife Federation
Peoples Climate Movement
Safe Climate Campaign
Sierra Club
The Wilderness Society
Union of Concerned Scientists