Protégete – Spring 2019

May 1, 2019

The  Protégete team took a group of nine youth promotores to an event called Latinos at the Table, where the students saw the governor speak about issues that are impacting the Latino community. After the event, the group spoke to Denver City Council Member Paul Lopez and former Colorado State Senator and Representative Polly Baca. 

The students also met with Nita Gonzales, coordinator of the event, and daughter of legendary boxer, poet, and political advocate, Corky Gonzales. 


Protégete co-convened Latin@ Advocacy Day with the help of COLOR, CLLARO, CIRC, Mi Familia Vota, and Servicios de la Raza. The one-day event brought 300 Latinos to the capitol to lobby on issues concerning environmental justice, criminal justice, reproductive justice, economic justice, and immigration justice. The event was kicked off early in the morning by speakers from the Latino Caucus and a speech by Governor Polis. After lunch, the group rallied to the Capitol, where other members of the Latino Caucus spoke before the participants broke off into districts and lobbied their legislators.