The League of Conservation Voters and Natural Resources Defense Council led more than 100 groups in sending the below letter to congressional leaders and Members of Congress urging them to reject the inclusion of all anti-environmental poison pill policy riders in FY24 appropriations bills.
February 1, 2024
Re: Please reject the inclusion of anti-environmental poison pill riders in FY24 appropriations bills
Dear Congressional Leaders,
On behalf of our millions of members and supporters, the 113 undersigned environmental, environmental justice, faith-based, and public health organizations urge you to reject the inclusion of any anti-environmental policy riders in Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations bills.
2023 was officially the hottest year on record, concluding another year of historic heat waves, horrific flooding, and wildfire smoke damaging the economy, environment, and public health. We are extremely concerned by efforts to include poison pill policy riders that undermine the critical climate wins included in the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as agencies’ ability to carry out their work. These unacceptable attacks on our health, lands, wildlife, biodiversity, air, water, oceans, clean energy and communities have no place in the appropriations process and must be rejected.
This fall, the House majority produced appropriations bills loaded up with draconian budget cuts and extreme anti-environmental policy riders that are out of step with the American public’s priorities on stewarding our environment and advancing clean energy and environmental justice. Bills that are meant to fund environmental protections included riders that would increase climate pollution, mandate fossil fuel lease sales, block environmental justice programs, halt public health protections, and doom imperiled species to extinction, among other harmful policy changes. All told, every FY 2024 House appropriations bill except that which funds Congress itself included harmful anti-environmental attacks, with over 200 anti-environmental riders added throughout the process.
While we were pleased an agreement was reached on a bipartisan topline spending number that avoids the steep cuts threatened by sequestration or a so-called “date-change CR,” we were extremely dismayed when Speaker Johnson indicated in his January 7 letter that this agreement “[provided] us a path to… fight for the important policy riders included in our House FY24 bills.” We firmly reject the inclusion of poison pill policy riders as a precondition for Congress meeting its constitutional obligation to fund the government after months of inaction and failure to meet its responsibility.
Please do not allow the appropriations process to be derailed by unpopular anti-environmental attacks that would damage our communities, the economy and the environment. Do not sacrifice the health and safety of our communities for the sake of catering to political extremism. Congress should allow these agencies to do the job they entrusted them with, to protect our environment, climate and communities.
League of Conservation Voters
Natural Resources Defense Council
Alabama Interfaith Power & Light
Alaska Wilderness League
Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
American Bird Conservancy
American Rivers
Ample Inc.
Animal Welfare Institute
Appalachian Trail Conservancy
Appalachian Voices
California Environmental Voters
Center for Progressive Reform
Cetacean Society International
Chesapeake Climate Action Network AF
Clean Air Task Force Action
Clean Water Action
Climate Action Campaign
Climate Changemakers
Climate Crisis Policy
ClimateVoice, a project of Tides Center
Common Defense
Conservation Alabama
Conservation Lands Foundation
Conservation Voters for Idaho
Conservation Voters New Mexico
Conservation Voters of PA
Consolidated Oregon Indivisible Network Climate, Energy and Environment Team
Creation Justice Ministries
Defenders of Wildlife
Dr. Earl Stewart, Jr., Family Foundation
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon / Oregon Interfaith Power and Light
Endangered Species Coalition
Environment America
Environmental Defense Fund
Environmental Law & Policy Center
Environmental League of Massachusetts
Environmental Protection Network
Environmental Working Group
Evergreen Action
Friends of the Earth Action
Green Door Initiative
Greenpeace USA
GRID Alternatives
Health Care Without Harm
Healthy Ocean Coalition
Hip Hop Caucus
Illinois Environmental Council
Impact Fund
Indiana Conservation Voters
Interfaith Power & Light
International Marine Mammal Project of Earth Island Institute
It’s Electric, Inc.
John G Shedd Aquarium
Kids for Saving Earth
Los Padres ForestWatch
Maine Conservation Voters
Maryland League of Conservation Voters
Michigan League of Conservation Voters
Moms Clean Air Force
Montana Conservation Voters
Mormon Environmental Stewardship Alliance
Nassau Hiking & Outdoor Club
National Audubon Society
National Ocean Protection Coalition
National Parks Conservation Association
National Wildlife Federation
NC League of Conservation Voters
New Urban Mobility alliance (NUMO)
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Ocean Conservancy
Ocean Defense Initiative
Ohio Environmental Council Action Fund
Oncology Advocates United for Climate and Health – INTERNATIONAL
Oregon League of Conservation Voters (OLCV)
Partnership for Policy Integrity
People’s Action
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Rachel Carson Council
Sierra Club
South Bronx Unite
South Shore Audubon Society | Freeport, NY
Southern Environmental Law Center
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
Southwest Research and Information Center
Sowing Justice
Surfrider Foundation
Taproot Earth
Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services
The Alaska Center
The People’s Justice Council
The Wilderness Society
Trust for Public Land
Union of Concerned Scientists
United We Dream
Urban Ocean Lab
Virginia League of Conservation Voters
Washington Conservation Action
Waterkeeper Alliance
WE ACT for Environmental Justice
West End Revitalization Association WERA
Wild Cumberland
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
Speaker Mike Johnson, U.S. House of Representatives
Democratic Leader Charles E. Schumer, U.S. Senate
Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senate
Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, U.S. House of Representatives
Chair Kay Granger, U.S. House Committee on Appropriations
Chair Patty Murray, U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations
Vice Chair Susan Collins, U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations
Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro, U.S. House Committee on Appropriations
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives