Phoenix, Arizona — Representative Martha McSally may be all over the map with her support for Donald Trump and attempts to protect DREAMers, but since her election to Congress one thing has been consistent: McSally puts polluters ahead of Arizona communities, time and time again.
With a failing 6 percent lifetime environmental voting record, McSally has taken dozens of votes to allow dangerous toxins to spew into our air and water, leading to dirtier air and harmful pollution. She’s voted to protect subsidies for Big Oil and neglected Arizona’s clean energy future, while taking hundreds of thousands of dollars from the fossil fuel industry.
“Arizona families suffer from some of the worst air pollution in the country, yet Martha McSally has consistently voted against improving air quality and protecting public health,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund Senior Vice President for Campaigns. “Electing a pro-environment senator in Arizona is crucial to checking the Trump administration’s toxic agenda, and LCV Victory Fund will be working until November to ensure voters know that Kyrsten Sinema is the only candidate who will put their health over polluter profits.”
Lowlights of McSally’s time in Congress include:
X Voting to attack clean air protections and block the lifesaving Clean Power Plan
X Opposing efforts to grow Arizona’s clean energy economy and create jobs
X Supporting a budget that would protect $40 billion in tax breaks for Big Oil
In contrast, Representative Kyrsten Sinema has fought to protect Arizona’s environment by:
✓ Supporting environmental protections and clean energy since serving in the state legislature
✓ Standing up for Arizona’s public lands and outdoor recreation economy
✓ Cosponsoring legislation to expand clean energy manufacturing jobs in Arizona
With LCV Victory Fund’s support, the New American Jobs Fund is already on the ground in Phoenix talking to voters about why Sinema is the only choice for a healthy Arizona. LCV Victory Fund also collaborated with Years of Living Dangerously Action Fund on a video ad highlighting McSally’s refusal to support climate action.
Paid for by LCV Victory Fund,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.