WASHINGTON, DC— The California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) and the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund, announced today their endorsement of Dr. Ami Bera for re-election to Congress (CA-7). Bera is committed to combating climate change, protecting our public lands and growing our clean energy economy.
“Dr. Ami Bera is a critical ally who works tirelessly to protect public health and safeguard our environment for generations to come,” said LCV Action Fund President Gene Karpinski. “He has consistently voted to reduce harmful air and water pollution and invest in clean energy industries that create jobs and reduce our dependence on dirty fossil fuels.”
“In Congress, Dr. Ami Bera is continuously standing up for California’s environment, economy and families,” said Sarah Rose, CEO of the California League of Conservation Voters. “He is a strong advocate for commonsense solutions that will combat the California drought while protecting our wildlife and precious natural landscapes for all to enjoy.”
“It’s critical that we focus on leaving our planet better off for the next generation, and help create good-paying, green jobs in the process” Bera said. “The science surrounding climate change is clear, and I’m committed to working with groups like the League of Conservation Voters to take steps now in order to protect not only our environment, but also our local economy. Together, we can stand up for California’s natural resources, invest in renewable energy technologies, and help working families get ahead.”
Bera has shown a great commitment to protecting public health and our environment, including voting against legislation that would prevent the EPA from limiting carbon emissions from power plants, the nation’s largest source of the pollution driving climate change. While on the Science Committee, Bera, a physician, has been outspoken on the attacks on the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to use sound science. He has supported public education and training programs that will help equip Californians for good-paying jobs in the clean energy economy.
Bera has also worked hard to preserve California’s treasured natural places and wildlife. He has been at the forefront of efforts to address California’s drought, including connecting the dots between the drought and climate change. He has spoken out against drought legislation that undermines the Endangered Species Act, and is a strong supporter of the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Cooperative Endangered Species Act. Additionally, he is a co-sponsor of the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Conservation Area Act, and supported President Obama’s recent designation of this important natural wonder as a national monument.
Bera has earned an 89 percent lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard. The non-partisan Scorecard is the nationally accepted yardstick used to rate members of Congress on environmental and clean energy issues. Based on key environmental votes in the House and Senate, it is often used by the media to quickly describe a Member’s record. For more information, visit https://scorecard.lcv.org.
Bera is featured on LCV Action Fund’s GiveGreen website, the only bundling website devoted exclusively to raising money for environmental champions for federal office.
Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund and California League of Conservation Voters, and authorized by Ami Bera for Congress.