Washington, D.C. – Today, Climate Power Action and LCV Victory Fund launched the Climate Voters Mobilization program, a strategic, surround-sound digital advertising and direct mail marketing campaign to nearly 2 million voters in Congressional battleground states and districts. The program is targeted to voters who supported President Biden in 2020, are in jeopardy of not showing up and voting for pro-climate Democrats in 2022, and are uniquely mobilized by climate and environmental issues. The two groups will serve three waves of digital ads, including on streaming tv, and direct mail to these voters about where their candidates stood on the strongest climate legislation in U.S. history, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the need to re-elect them, between now and Election Day.
WATCH SAMPLE 30 SECOND AD: “Meet” (Sen. Mark Kelly)
WATCH SAMPLE 30 SECOND AD: “Tomorrow” (Sen. Maggie Hassan)
WATCH SAMPLE 15 SECOND AD: “Meet” (Rep. Jahana Hayes, CT-05)
VIEW SAMPLE MAIL: “Climate Crisis” (Rep. Sharice Davids, KS-03)
VIEW SAMPLE MAIL: “Summer Heat” (Sen. Cortez Masto, Rep. Susie Lee, NV-03)
The Climate Voter Mobilization universe of two million voters was identified using sophisticated modeling and message testing in development since April. Polling showed that across this universe our messages had a 7.3% average effect on enthusiasm to vote and 15.7% average effect on strength of support for Democrats. Overall, these ‘climate voters’ are younger, more female, racially more diverse, more likely to live in suburban or urban areas than rural areas, and slightly more college educated than not.
The 2022 Climate Voters Mobilization program is modeled after LCV Victory Fund and Priorities USA Action’s successful 2020 ‘Environmental Swing Voters’ program which served ads and direct mail about Trump’s anti-environmental record to a universe of swing voters who cared about the environment. A post-election test found that the 2020 program increased the Democratic vote margin among target voters by almost six points.
“Democrats in Congress and President Biden beat the special interests to deliver the most meaningful climate bill ever,” said Heather Hargreaves, Climate Power Action Executive Director. “Now it’s time to make sure that people who care about bold climate action show up and vote for the candidates who backed a law that will combat climate change, reduce carbon pollution, lower costs and ramp up good-paying clean energy jobs.”
“This is the first time in our organization’s 50 year history that we get to campaign on a transformational climate law, so you better believe we are going to do it in the most strategic, powerful way possible,” said Pete Maysmith, LCV Victory Fund SVP of Campaigns. “By the time polls open, voters in key states and districts who care about climate but aren’t constantly paying attention to politics are going to understand exactly how the Inflation Reduction Act benefits them, and exactly where their candidates stood on the strongest climate bill in U.S. history.”
The Climate Voters Mobilization program begins today in the following states and Congressional districts:
This $12 million Climate Voters Mobilization program is one part of the previously announced $100 million Climate Votes Project joint effort to elect climate champions in 2022 between Climate Power Action, Climate Reality Action Fund, EDF Action Votes (EDF AV), LCV Victory Fund (LCVVF), NRDC Action Votes (NRDC AV), and NextGen PAC. LCV Victory Fund has also announced climate persuasion paid media campaigns in the NV Senate race and six battleground House races, and continues a $12.8 million field organizing effort with state affiliates and partners in support of key state and federal climate champions in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Ad scripts of the first Arizona Senate and New Hampshire Senate digital ads are below.
“Meet” (AZ – Sen. Kelly)
Extreme heat and flooding
Meet one of the biggest bills to fight climate change ever
Thanks to work by Mark Kelly
The largest climate investment in U.S. history
It will sharply reduce carbon pollution
And lower Americans’ power bills
Plus create jobs
And upgrade our energy infrastructure
It’s a real holy s— moment
In a good way
Mark Kelly met the moment
Send him back to keep protecting Arizona for the long run
“Tomorrow” (NH – Sen. Hassan)
If this is what TODAY looks like….
What will it look like tomorrow?
Where can we buy our first home, raise our family –
…where can we be safe from devastating floods, extreme heat, or wildfires?
Some politicians just ignore this crisis.
But Senator Maggie Hassan just did something about it.
Passing the most meaningful climate change bill we’ve ever seen.
Ramping up clean energy; tackling climate change head-on.
To protect our future.
Before it’s too late.
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Paid for by LCV Victory Fund, www.lcvvictoryfund.org, and Climate Power Action, www.climatepoweraction.us, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.