National Director for the League of Conservation Voters’ Latino Outreach Program provides statement
Phoenix, AZ – April 8, 2015 – This week, under the leadership of Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), members of the U.S. House Committee on National
Resources, representatives of community-based,environmental and business groups, as well as state, local and tribal governments came together in a forum in Los Angeles to shine light on three key environmental policies that give low-income and communities of color tools to stand up against polluting industries: the National Environmental Policy Act, Executive Order 12898, and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Jennifer Allen, National Director for the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Latino Outreach Program spoke at the forum and said the following:
“Low-income and communities of color are tremendously impacted by air pollution, water and soil contamination and the effects of climate change. Today’s hearing highlighted how communities around Los Angeles and across the nation can stand up to polluters and implement stronger health and environmental protections. We appreciate Rep. Grijalva’s and other Members’ efforts to strengthen the key policies that communities need to combat climate change and safeguard our planet, our families and future generations.”
The League of Conservation Voters developed a Latino Outreach Program to amplify the voice and leadership of Latino communities across the country in the fight against climate change and for clean energy. For more information about environmental and public health issues impacting Latino communities visit