(Washington, DC – October 13, 2022) EDF Action Votes and LCV Victory Fund launched a $3 million TV ad today, “Listen to Don,” in opposition to Don Bolduc in the New Hampshire Senate race, to help re-elect Sen. Maggie Hassan. The broadcast TV ad runs for three weeks and shines a spotlight on Don Bolduc’s plans to destroy Social Security and Medicare.
The TV ad comes in addition to EDF Action Votes’ new digital ad, “Not a Priority,” reminding voters that Bolduc wants to “get rid of the EPA” and would do nothing about climate change, and LCV Victory Fund’s Climate Voters Mobilization digital ads and direct mail program that highlight Sen. Hassan’s support for climate action and lowering costs through the Inflation Reduction Act.
WATCH: “Listen to Don”
WATCH: “Generation”
“Granite Staters can’t risk sending Don Bolduc to the Senate. He has made it crystal clear he plans to undermine critical programs our seniors rely on, and you can bet he won’t stop there,” EDF Action Votes Director of Political Programs Dustin Ingalls said. “Bolduc pledges to gut the EPA and de-prioritize climate action – instead of outright climate denial, it’s now climate delay. By contrast, Maggie Hassan is acting boldly and urgently to protect her constituents’ way of life and to lower energy costs for working families and seniors on fixed incomes.”
“From wanting to destroy Medicare and Social Security to enthusiastically supporting the Big Lie, Don Bolduc is a flip-flopping MAGA extremist through and through. One thing is for sure: New Hampshire families can’t count on Don Bolduc to stand up for them,” said Eva Estrada, LCV Victory Fund Regional Campaigns Director. “New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan is a champion for people and the planet. She is fighting for lower costs, clean energy jobs, and climate action – it’s time to send Sen. Hassan back to Washington.”
In addition to paid media and mail campaigns, LCV Victory Fund continues their on the ground organizing program in New Hampshire to knock close to 100,000 doors and get out the vote for Sen. Hassan. The latest updates from the field can be found here.
The full new TV ad script is below.
“Listen to Don”
Don Bolduc: Over time, we no longer have Social Security
VO: Listen to Don Bolduc explain his plans
To destroy Social Security and Medicare
Don Bolduc: Privatization is hugely important
A plan that will reduce our spending $1.2 trillion from Medicare
$2 trillion from Social Security
And over time, we no longer have Social Security
VO: Watch the full videos yourself
Don Bolduc would destroy Social Security and Medicare
Paid for by EDF Action Votes, edfactionvotes.org and LCV Victory Fund, lcvvictoryfund.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.