(Washington, DC – September 13, 2022) Today, EDF Action Votes and LCV Victory Fund launched a new TV ad that features a solar entrepreneur who highlights Congressman Mike Levin’s successful fight for a plan that supports the solar industry, creates jobs and lowers inflation. The ad also showcases Brian Maryott’s support for a plan that raised taxes on hardworking California families.
WATCH: “Solar”
“Solar,” will run in the San Diego media market on broadcast and cable television for two weeks.
“Congressman Mike Levin is a staunch advocate for his constituents, working to reduce inflation, creating good paying clean energy jobs and protecting Southern California’s coastline and natural environment for generations to come,” EDF Action Director of Political Programs in the Southwest Anabel Maldonado said. “This stands in stark contrast to Brian Maryott who favors raising taxes on hardworking families. The choice is clear, voters must re-elect Mike Levin to Congress so he can continue to be a champion for the environment and California communities.”
“Congressman Levin just led the charge to deliver historic cost-saving, job-creating, climate and clean energy legislation for Californians – and he’s only just getting started,” said Joann Saridakis, LCV Victory Fund Regional Campaigns Director. “Southern California families have a proven champion in Rep. Levin, unlike Brian Maryott who praised a plan that raised taxes on middle class Californians.”
The full ad script is below.
I’ve worked in the solar business for over a decade
And I know that solar helps lower energy bills
And create jobs
Mike Levin delivered a plan to support solar
Create jobs right here
And fight inflation
But Brian Maryott
He praised a plan that raised taxes on middle class Californians
Costing us more than $1 billion in higher taxes
Brian Maryott
He’s just not for us
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Paid for by EDF Action Votes, edfactionvotes.org, and LCV Victory Fund, www.lcvvictoryfund.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.