Washington D.C. – This National Park Week, 122 organizations from a broad cross-section of communities sent a letter urging Congress to recognize how national monuments help tell a more inclusive story of our nation and reject attacks on these special places and other public lands, including attempts to gut the Antiquities Act.
“In addition to protecting majestic places, sustaining wildlife, and benefiting local economies and communities, national monuments promote diversity and inclusivity in our system of public lands,” reads the letter. The 122 signers include the League of Conservation Voters (LCV), the American Civil Liberties Union, the Human Rights Campaign, National Immigration Law Center, Public Citizen, Service Employees International Union, Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund, and several other community groups.
The letter comes in the wake of the Trump administration’s unprecedented move to cut Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments by two million acres — the single largest rollback of protections for public lands in our nation’s history — and as Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke faces scrutiny for dismissing the value of racial diversity, making racially insensitive remarks during a congressional hearing, and potentially violating federal anti-discrimination laws with staff reassignments.
“The Trump administration’s continued assault on our national monuments hurts every community that enjoys these shared treasures” said Jennifer Allen, LCV Senior Vice President of Community & Civic Engagement. “Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s actions have made it clear that he doesn’t value racial diversity and inclusivity in his own department or on our public lands. That is why LCV is proud to stand with a cross-section of community groups to call on Congress to defend national monuments and recognize how they reflect the stories of diverse communities across the country.”
Full text of the letter and a complete list of signers can be found here and below.
“The Next 100 Coalition is driven in part by the recognition that our nation’s public lands must reflect the histories and experiences of all our nation’s people,” said Kevin Bryan, Coalition Coordinator for the Next 100 Coalition. “We envision the establishment of public lands that reflect the diverse culture and experiences of our people, and respect and uplift our collective experience in America. Sites such as Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument, Bears Ears National Monument, and Cesar E. Chavez National Monument represent the historical and cultural fabric that connects our diverse communities as a united people.”
“Our sacred sites tell our stories, heal our people, provide resting places for our ancestors, and bring all people together” said Jefferson Keel, President of the National Congress of American Indians. “Importantly, these places are where Native people practice their free exercise of religion. The Antiquities Act delegated to the President the limited authority to set aside and protect these lands because of their historical significance to this Nation as a whole, and – for this reason – NCAI will continue to stand by the five tribes of the Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition in their fight to protect their sacred places, as well as other tribes impacted by the unlawful and effective revocation of other Monuments.”
“The National Center for Transgender Equality is proud to stand in support of our national monuments” said Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. “The Antiquities Act has allowed this country to honor and preserve the legacy of civil rights advocates, such as the monument that now acknowledges The Stonewall Inn as the symbolic birthplace of the modern LGBT rights movement. Any attempt to limit the Antiquities Act is a dereliction of our nation’s duty to commemorate those who fought and continue to fight for its future.”
“The Antiquities Act has successfully protected important sites in our nation’s labor history and help tell the story of workers in national parks and monuments,” said J. David Cox, President of the American Federation of Government Employees. “Through protected places like César E. Chávez National Monument and Pullman National Monument, we continue to educate the public about their important legacies and about ongoing efforts for workers’ rights across the country. We’re proud of the work that communities have done to protect these special places and honor the legacy of working people.”
“America is a nation built by Native Americans, slaves and immigrants—people of color who are part of the fabric of this country,” said John C. Yang, President and Executive Director of Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC. “As our country continues to strive to live up to the ideals of valuing diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity, we reject any attempt to diminish the national monuments that honor the struggles and achievements within communities of color, within our America.”
“Our national monuments are more than just acres of land, they are chapters in the great American story. Many of these places were established to represent or celebrate the diverse heritage and cultures that make up this country,” said Maite Arce, President and CEO of the Hispanic Access Foundation. “We all share the moral obligation to protect our outdoor heritage, to protect these special places and preserve them as a legacy for future generations.”
“National park sites tell the stories of America,” said Theresa Pierno, President and CEO of the National Parks Conservation Association. “From the struggle for women’s right to vote, told at Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument in D.C., to the rights of African American workers at Pullman National Monument in Chicago, these stories helped define who we are as a nation. They tell our struggles and they tell our triumphs. And they deserve to be protected and retold now, and for generations to come. As history continues to be made, national park sites should continue to be created, including through the Antiquities Act, to honor and reflect our diverse people and places.”
“With more than 100,000 archaeological sites, the Bears Ears cultural landscape is exactly the kind of place the Antiquities Act was designed to protect,” said Josh Ewing, Executive Director of Friends of Cedar Mesa. “Congress failed to protect this unquestionably deserving landscape for more than a century, despite ongoing threats like looting and vandalism of sacred sites. Instead of undermining the important role the Antiquities Act has played in preserving our nation’s history, lawmakers would better serve our public lands by doing the hard work of bringing stakeholders together to solve on-the-ground problems and find common ground.”
April 23, 2018
Dear Member of Congress,
On behalf of our millions of members and supporters, we write to express our strong opposition to legislation weakening the Antiquities Act or codifying attempts to shrink or eliminate national monuments. Any attack on our public lands, monuments, oceans, and waters is an attack on our communities, our history, our contributions to this great nation, and our culture; and it robs the next generation of a chance to learn from these shared treasures. It has often been said that our nation’s public lands system is one of our best ideas; we must now come together to protect these special places.
In addition to protecting majestic places, sustaining wildlife, and benefiting local economies and communities, national monuments promote diversity and inclusivity in our system of public lands. Our nation’s public lands are owned by all people in this country, and we all ought to see our histories and cultures reflected in these public lands. That is one reason why national parks, historical sites, and monuments are so important: they can help tell a more complete story of our country’s history and the many cultures and movements that have helped shape our United States.
National monuments in particular have helped make our public lands more inclusive by commemorating the fights for civil rights and racial justice, women’s suffrage, LGBTQ equality, workers’ rights, tribal recognition and traditions, and so many other pivotal moments, individuals, and movements that continue to take our country forward. Places such as Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument, Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument, Stonewall National Monument, Pullman National Monument, Cesar E. Chavez National Monument, and Bears Ears National Monument help preserve and share the history and experiences that comprehensively reflect the stories of all people in this country.
The Antiquities Act, which has been used by eight Republicans and eight Democrats, allows presidents to preserve important places as national monuments and has even provided the initial protections for nearly half of our national parks, including the Grand Canyon and Acadia National Parks. President Theodore Roosevelt signed this bedrock conservation law in 1906, and since then presidents have used it to protect remarkable places that tell the fuller story of our nation.
Unfortunately, we write at a time when national monuments and the Antiquities Act are under assault. Nearly one year ago, President Trump signed an executive order directing Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to review dozens of national monument designations. This resulted in President Trump taking the single biggest step in removing protections for public lands in our nation’s history when he overstepped his statutory authority and cut Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments by two million acres. Now legislation may move in Congress that would not only codify Trump’s rollbacks – H.R. 4532 and H.R. 4558 – but also threaten the very purpose of the Antiquities Act. Representative Bishop’s H.R. 3990 and Senator Murkowski’s S. 33, for example, would severely limit presidents’ power to protect incredible and representative places for future generations.
Congress should not be making it harder to protect places that can make our parks and monuments system more inclusive and tell the fuller story of our nation’s history. That is why we urge you to reject any legislation that would limit the president’s authority under the Antiquities Act or codify any unlawful rollbacks of existing national monuments.
While not all undersigned groups work on every issue discussed in this letter, we can all agree on what’s at risk if protections for special places are removed and our legacy of shaping a more inclusive system of public lands is undermined. Thank you for considering our views.
National Organizations
Alaska Wilderness League
American Civil Liberties Union
American Rivers
American Society of Landscape Architects
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
Center for American Progress
CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers
Clean Water Action
Conservation Lands Foundation
Continental Divide Trail Coalition
Defenders of Wildlife
Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
Endangered Species Coalition
Environmental Working Group
GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality
Hip Hop Caucus
Hispanic Access Foundation
Human Rights Campaign
League of Conservation Voters
Movement Advancement Project
National Audubon Society
National Black Justice Coalition
National Center for Lesbian Rights
National Center for Transgender Equality
National Congress of American Indians
National Immigration Law Center
National LGBTQ Task Force
National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund
National Parks Conservation Association
Natural Resources Defense Council
Next 100 Coalition
Ocean Conservancy
Ocean Conservation Research
People For the American Way
Public Citizen
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Save Animals Facing Extinction
Service Employees International Union
Sierra Club
Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance
State Innovation Exchange (SIX)
Surfrider Foundation
The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
The Praxis Project
The Trust for Public Land
The Wilderness Society
Union for Reform Judaism
URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity
Western Values Project
WildEarth Guardians
State and Local Organizations
ACLU of Idaho
Amargosa Conservancy
Audubon South Carolina
Boise Bicycle Project
California League of Conservation Voters
Carrizo Plain Conservancy
Charleston Audubon Society
Columbia Audubon Society
Conservation Alabama
Conservation Colorado
Conservation Northwest
Conservation Voters for Idaho
Conservation Voters of South Carolina
Conserve Southwest Utah
Desert Wildlife Consultants, LLC
Engage Idaho
Environmental League of Massachusetts
Environmental Protection Information Center
Fort Ord Recreation Trails (FORT) Friends
Friends and Neighbors of the Deschutes Canyon Area
Friends of Arizona Joshua Tree Forest
Friends of Cedar Mesa
Friends of Gold Butte
Friends of Point Arena-Stornetta Lands
Friends of the Desert Mountains
Friends of the San Pedro River
Friends of the Sonoran Desert
Grand Canyon Trust
Grand Staircase Escalante Partners
Hoosier Environmental Council
Idaho Business for the Outdoors
Idaho Conservation League
Idaho Outdoor Business Council
Klamath Forest Alliance
Los Padres ForestWatch
Maine Conservation Voters
Michigan League of Conservation Voters
Montana Conservation Voters
Mystic Aquarium
Nature for All
North Carolina League of Conservation Voters
Nevada Conservation League
New Jersey Highlands Coalition
New Jersey League of Conservation Voters
New Mexico Wildlife Federation
Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
NW Energy Coalition
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon Wild
Pinelands Preservation Alliance
Raritan Headwaters
Seven Circles Foundation
Sound Action
South Carolina Wildlife Federation
The Ohio Environmental Council
Trinidad Coastal Land Trust
Utah Dine Bikeyah
Virginia League of Conservation Voters
Washington Conservation Voters
Washington Environmental Council
Western Slope Conservation Center
Wilderness Workshop
Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters
Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network