WASHINGTON, DC—The California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) and the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund, announced today their endorsement of candidates from five California districts who are running for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives: Jared Huffman (CA-2), Jerry McNerney (CA-9), Julia Brownley (CA-26), Alan Lowenthal (CA-47) and Scott Peters (CA-52). Earlier this month, CLCV and LCV Action Fund announced their endorsement of two other candidates running for re-election in California districts, Dr. Ami Bera (CA-7) and Pete Aguilar (CA-31).
“We are already seeing the impacts that climate change is having on our day-to-day lives, from stronger storms to longer droughts and more intense wildfires,” said LCV Action Fund President Gene Karpinski. “Jared Huffman, Dr. Ami Bera, Jerry McNerney, Julia Brownley, Pete Aguilar, Alan Lowenthal and Scott Peters are all strong environmental champions in Congress. In a state that is at the forefront of addressing climate change and growing the clean energy economy, these members of Congress have distinguished themselves as true environmental leaders in the U.S. House.”
“Over the past few years, our state has been hit hard by climate change, a severe drought, record wildfires, and poor air quality.” said Sarah Rose, CEO of the California League of Conservation Voters. “That’s exactly why we need champions like Jared Huffman, Dr. Ami Bera, Jerry McNerney, Julia Brownley, Pete Aguilar, Alan Lowenthal, and Scott Peters fighting for us in Congress, because they consistently stand up to polluters and do what’s best for all California families. California has some of the most spectacular natural resources, wildlife and public lands in this country —and we can always count on these members of Congress to fight to protect these resources for future generations to enjoy.”
“While public support for climate leadership and environmental protection has never been stronger, our Congress under current management is badly out of step,” said Huffman. “From their denial of climate science, to their agenda of more drilling, fracking and mining on public lands, to their attacks on the ESA, Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act, the House Republican majority is hell-bent on undermining environment protections and doubling down on the carbon pollution that is threatening our planet. I’m grateful to be working with LCV and other environmental partners to defeat this wrongheaded agenda, and move our country into a position of global leadership on climate change.”
“It’s critical that we focus on leaving our planet better off for the next generation, and help create good-paying, green jobs in the process” said Bera. “The science surrounding climate change is clear, and I’m committed to working with groups like the League of Conservation Voters to take steps now in order to protect not only our environment, but also our local economy. Together, we can stand up for California’s natural resources, invest in renewable energy technologies, and help working families get ahead.”
“It is an honor to have the continued support and trust of CLCV and LCVAF,” said McNerney. “During my tenure in Congress, I’ve worked tirelessly to protect our environment. Just recently, I introduced legislation that would reduce carbon emissions and ensure healthier air for our communities. And in the coming weeks, I will be introducing a comprehensive, forward-thinking bill to help move California and our nation toward a sustainable water future. CLCV and LCV play a critical role in advocating for sound environmental laws and policies, and I look forward to working with them to accomplish common goals.”
“Ventura County is one of the most beautiful districts in the nation to live, work, visit and raise a family. I’ve worked hard to ensure we preserve our coastlines and open spaces, we protect our air and water quality and we plan responsibly for climate change” said Brownley. “I am very proud to have the endorsement of the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund and the California League of Conservation Voters.”
“Every community has the right to breathe in fresh air and drink clean water,” said Aguilar. “I have and will continue to promote sound policies that reduce our carbon footprint and expand renewable energy industries in the Inland Empire. I remain committed to working with our partners in the environmental community to preserve and improve our environment for generations to come.”
“I’ve been fighting for clean air and clean water for my constituents for my entire life – and LCV has been there supporting our efforts every step of the way. In California when industry said we couldn’t, we did,” said Lowenthal. “And now I’m in Washington working on these same issues while redoubling my efforts to address a real existential issue of our generation – climate change. We face formidable and well-funded opposition, but with all of our unwavering and tireless work, and states like California leading the way, Congress will eventually take meaningful action.”
“San Diegans identify with our ocean and open spaces and know that, in many ways, our ability to keep our economy strong depends on keeping these natural resources clean and preserved,” said Peters. “LCV Action Fund’s endorsement in this, and my past races, means a lot to me and to voters in my district – it’s recognition of the commitment I’ve made to protect our environment. Thank you for again giving me the honor of your support.”
Environmental Records
Serving on the House Committee on Natural Resources and the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Jared Huffman has quickly become one of the leading environmental champions in Congress, joining both the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) and the Safe Climate Caucus. He has consistently introduced pro-environment legislation and amendments on a wide range of priority issues, including to end future leases for fossil fuel development on public lands, ban offshore drilling off the coast of California and in the Arctic Ocean, promote energy efficiency in homes and school buildings, and to end subsidies for fossil fuels. Huffman has also introduced legislation to implement a carbon tax and to require the Congressional Budget Office to estimate the carbon impact of bills considered by Congress. Huffman has earned a 98 percent lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.
Since entering Congress, Dr. Ami Bera has shown a great commitment to protecting public health and our environment, including voting against legislation that would prevent the EPA from limiting carbon emissions from power plants, the nation’s largest source of the pollution driving climate change. While on the House Committee on Science, Space and Techonoly, Bera, a physician, has been outspoken on the attacks on the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to use sound science. Bera has also worked hard to preserve California’s treasured natural places and wildlife. He has been at the forefront of efforts to address California’s drought, and has spoken out against drought legislation that undermines the Endangered Species Act. Additionally, he is a co-sponsor of the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Conservation Area Act, and supported President Obama’s recent designation of this important natural wonder as a national monument. Bera has earned an 89 percent lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.
After a successful career in the wind industry, Jerry McNerney has been a valuable ally for promoting clean energy in Congress. He has introduced several pieces of legislation to promote the development of wind and solar energy, including the Solar Energy Deployment Act of 2013. Most recently in December 2015, he introduced legislation to implement a carbon tax, the Consumers REBATE (Rebate to Ban Emissions and Boost Alternative Energy) Act. McNerney has also introduced legislation to provide job training for green jobs (Grants for Renewable Energy Education for the Nation (GREEN) Act). McNerney serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and is a member of the Safe Climate Caucus and the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC). He was outspoken in support of the landmark Paris climate agreement and worked with his colleagues to showcase Congressional support. In his district, McNerney has secured funding to improve air quality in the San Joaquin Valley. McNerney has earned a 93 percent lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.
Julia Brownley has consistently supported comprehensive action on climate change, and has co-sponsored legislation to help coastal cities adapt and respond to the impacts of climate disruption. She has co-sponsored legislation that promotes the responsible development of clean energy on public lands, and supported the extension of the production tax credit (PTC) and the investment tax credit (ITC), which will help grow the wind and solar industry in California and across the nation. She has made public land conservation a priority in Congress, co-sponsoring a number of bills to protect important places in California like Red Rock, the Central Coast, and the Santa Cruz Redwoods, as well as the Arctic and to reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Brownley is also a member of the Safe Climate Caucus and the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC) and she has earned a 96 percent lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.
In Congress, Pete Aguilar has consistently voted against attacks on the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, the single largest step our country has taken to combat climate change. He has also co-sponsored two important bills to protect clean water, the Water in the 21st Century Act and the Drought Recovery and Resiliency Act, worked to strengthen environmental protections for communities affected by fracking, and supported dedicated and full funding for the Land & Water Conservation Fund, the nation’s premier parks program. The sustainability plan adopted during Aguilar’s tenure as Mayor of Redlands included measures that would promote energy efficiency, increase the use of renewable energy, implement sustainable urban planning, and build mass transit. Aguilar earned a 94 percent score on LCV’s 2015 National Environmental Scorecard, his first year in office.
Alan Lowenthal has dedicated his career in public office to protecting the environment and protecting public health, and currently serves as the Chair of the Safe Climate Caucus and as a Vice Chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC). As a member of the House Natural Resources Committee, he has helped lead the fight to take action on climate change and protect our air, water, and public lands. Lowenthal has authored legislation and amendments that would allow the government to set standards on the disclosure of chemicals used in fracking, to ensure the public has the right to know about the environmental and health impacts of oil and gas drilling on public lands, and to create a stream “buffer zone” to protect our water ways from toxic coal pollution. He regularly hosts events in his district that are focused on addressing climate change. Lowenthal has earned a 98 percent lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.
An environmental attorney, Scott Peters has quickly emerged as a Congressional leader on climate change. He is the Chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC)’s Climate Task Force and is also a member of the Safe Climate Caucus. Peters has introduced the SUPER Act, which would reduce emissions of extremely potent climate pollutants, such as methane and black carbon, and the STRONG Act, to provide funding for climate adaptation planning. He also co-sponsored the Coastal State Climate Change Planning Act to help coastal states plan for the impacts of climate change and the BREATHE Act to close the oil and gas industries’ loophole in the Clean Air Act. Peters has been a strong supporter of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. He has fought against attacks on the Superfund program in order to ensure that polluters are held financially accountable for their pollution. Peters has also been an advocate for protecting and expanding public lands, including funding for our National Park System, estuary restoration programs, the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund. Peters has earned a 91 percent lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.
The non-partisan Scorecard is the nationally accepted yardstick used to rate members of Congress on environmental and clean energy issues. Based on key environmental votes in the House and Senate, it is often used by the media to quickly describe a Member’s record. For more information, visit https://scorecard.lcv.org.
Huffman, Bera, McNerney, Brownley, Aguilar, Lowenthal, and Peters are all featured on LCV Action Fund’s GiveGreen website, the only bundling website devoted exclusively to raising money for environmental champions for federal office.
Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund and California League of Conservation Voters and authorized by Huffman for Congress, Ami Bera for Congress, McNerney for Congress, Julia Brownley for Congress, Pete Aguilar for Congress, Alan Lowenthal for Congress, and Scott Peters for Congress.