WASHINGTON, DC—The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund, which works to elect candidates who will implement sound environmental policies, announced its endorsement of two candidates from Southeast Pennsylvania who are running for election to the U.S. House of Representatives: Steve Santarsiero (PA-8) and Christina Hartman (PA-16).
“Steve Santarsiero and Christina Hartman are both exciting candidates, and they are exactly the leaders Southeastern Pennsylvanians need in Congress,” said LCV Action Fund President Gene Karpinski. “They are both dedicated to protecting Pennsylvania’s environment while creating good paying clean energy jobs, ensuring we have clean air to breathe and water to drink for generations to come.”
“Here in Southeast Pennsylvania, preserving our environment is a top priority,” said Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania Executive Director Josh McNeil. “Steve Santarsiero and Christina Hartman will fight to protect our way of life and consistently stand up to the big polluters who threaten to destroy the air, water and land we love so much.”
“I’m proud to stand with the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund in the fight to protect our air and water and battle catastrophic climate change,” said Steve Santarsiero. “In Congress, I’ll continue the work I’ve started in the State House and push to grow a new renewable energy economy in Pennsylvania – to protect our planet and put people back to work.”
“It is a tremendous honor to receive the endorsement of the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, an organization that I have respected for many years,” said Hartman. “As a native of Lancaster, I understand how vitally important it is to be good stewards of our nation’s lands. For generations, our bountiful farmland has been the key to our success. We must protect and support our farmland to ensure that it is here for future generations. I thank the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund for their support and I look forward to working with them in Congress. Together, we’ll work to ensure future generations of Pennsylvanians and families across the country can enjoy a clean and healthy environment.”
Steve Santarsiero began his career practicing as an attorney in Newark and then became a school teacher. He helped organize his community to oppose a big box-store shopping center, which led him to successfully run for the Lower Makefield Board of Supervisors in 2003. In 2008, Santarsiero was elected to Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives where he serves on the Appropriations, Ethics, Environmental Resources & Energy, and Transportation Committees. He is an environmental leader in the State House, earning a perfect 100 percent score on Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania’s 2013-2014 Scorecard. Santarsiero introduced legislation, H.B. 2030, to put Pennsylvania on course for a 50 percent reduction in global warming pollution by 2030. This bill would position the Keystone state on the forefront of states acting to deliver on the global climate goals agreed to in the landmark Paris climate agreement reached last December.
Christina Hartman was raised in Manheim Township, in the heart of Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District. She spent her career in management and development for non-governmental organizations and non-profits, working in international development and human rights. She worked to help promote democracy in places like Afghanistan and Sudan before joining the Joyful Heart Foundation, a national sexual assault and domestic violence survivors’ organization, as director of development. On the campaign trail, Hartman has been making environmental protections a top priority. In Congress, she will fight for sustainable development and increased public transportation funding.
Steve Santarsiero and Christina Hartman are featured on LCV Action Fund’s GiveGreen website, the only bundling website devoted exclusively to raising money for environmental champions for federal office.
About LCV Action Fund
The League of Conservation Voters Action Fund (LCVAF), the connected federal political action committee (PAC) of the League of Conservation Voters, works to elect candidates who will implement sound environmental laws and policies, and defeat those who stand in the way of progress. Since the 1994 election cycle, LCVAF has helped elect and re-elect 69 U.S. Senators and 306 members of the U.S. House of Representatives. In the 2013-2014 election cycle, LCVAF endorsed over 70 candidates and raised and donated almost $6 million dollars via GiveGreen. Over the last several years, our efforts have also helped elevate climate change and clean energy as critical issues in key elections.
Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund and authorized by Santarsiero for Congress and Friends of Christina M. Hartman.