WASHINGTON, DC— The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Action Fund, which works to elect candidates who will implement sound environmental policies, announced today its endorsement of Suzanne Bonamici for re-election to Congress (OR-1). Building on her strong record in the Oregon State Legislature, Congresswoman Bonamici has quickly proven herself an environmental leader in Congress who is committed to tackling climate change, protecting our nation’s lands and wildlife, and growing a clean energy economy.
“Congresswoman Bonamici is a voice we need in Congress – she’s stood up to polluters and called out climate change deniers,” said LCV Action Fund President Gene Karpinski. “Congresswoman Bonamici has consistently fought against the Science Committee’s relentless attacks on environmental protections. Also she has made climate change action a top environmental priority, she will, undoubtedly, protect our nation’s natural landscapes and resources.”
“Throughout Congresswoman Bonamici’s career in public office, both in the Oregon legislature and U.S. Congress, she’s been a tremendous steward of our state’s remarkable environment,” said Doug Moore, Executive Director of the Oregon League of Conservation Voters. “Representing a geographically diverse district that is intricately connected to its ocean coastline, rivers, mountains, and valleys, Congresswoman Bonamici is determined to protect the first district’s communities from the threats of climate change.”
“Environmental sustainability is critically important to the economy in Northwest Oregon, which includes wine growers in the valley, fishers on the coast, and the renewable energy industry in Washington and Multnomah Counties,” Congresswoman Bonamici said. “We must continue to protect our ecosystem while working to address the undeniable role that human activity has on our planet. I am very honored to receive the endorsement and support of the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, an organization that champions protection of our natural resources for future generations. I will continue to advocate for renewable energy opportunities that will both reduce carbon emissions and lead to new clean technology jobs.”
Congresswoman Bonamici is firmly committed to fighting climate change and growing our clean energy economy. She has cosponsored legislation that would end subsidies for large oil companies and has advocated for the extension of the wind production tax credit (PTC). Congresswoman Bonamici has also shown her leadership on climate change as a member of the House Safe Climate Caucus and as the ranking Democrat on the House Science Committee’s Subcommittee on the Environment.
Congresswoman Bonamici’s voting record has earned her an impressive lifetime score of 97% on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard. The non-partisan Scorecard is the nationally accepted yardstick used to rate members of Congress on environmental and clean energy issues. Based on key environmental votes in the House and Senate, it is often used by the media to quickly describe a Member’s record. For more information, visit https://scorecard.lcv.org.
Suzanne Bonamici is featured on LCV Action Fund’s GiveGreen website, the only bundling website devoted exclusively to raising money for environmental champions and candidates.
Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund and authorized by Bonamici for Congress.