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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) today launched a $400,000 television ad campaign highlighting Terri Lynn Land’s Senate campaign’s support from the out’of-state oil billionaire Koch Brothers, who have used Michigan as a dumping ground for pollution. The first ad, “Koch Land,” begins airing this week in the Grand Rapids media market.
“Terri Lynn Land benefits from $5 million in negative ads from a Koch Brothers front group. Then she does their bidding by opposing reductions in carbon pollution that would protect Michiganders’ health and the Great Lakes,” said Daniel J. Weiss, LCV Senior Vice President for Campaigns.
“The out-of-state oil billionaire Koch brothers use Michigan as their dumping ground,” said Lisa Wozniak, Executive Director for the Michigan League of Conservation Voters. “Now, they contaminate our airwaves and dumping dirty money to help Terri Lynn Land’s Senate campaign. Clearly, Land has no problem with polluters. Michiganders expect and deserve real leadership for the Great Lakes.”
The ad highlights how the Koch Brothers use Michigan as a dumping ground while trying to buy Land a Senate seat. The Koch-owned plant in Grayling, Michigan produces formaldehyde, a toxic chemical linked to cancer. In addition, the Kochs’ three-story pile of black dust called “petcoke” covered an entire city block along the Detroit River, blowing into cars and homes, endangering the environment and potentially threatening public health and waters that flow into Lake Erie.
The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity spent more than $5 million attacking Rep. Gary Peters, Land’s opponent. This is the most money spent by any single-group in the Senate race. The Koch-backed Freedom Partners also ran ads attacking Peters. Like AFP, Land opposes the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan to curb industrial carbon pollution. She also took thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Koch Industries. Documentation for the ad is available here.
LCV recently released a poll of the race that showed that the Koch Brothers’ involvement in this race could become problematic for Land. The poll found that voters have an unfavorable view of the Koch Brothers by more than 2-to-1.
Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters, www.lcv.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.