WASHINGTON, D.C. – The League of Conservation Voters, together with Climate Action NH, Environmental League of Massachusetts, and Maine Conservation Voters, applauded the publication today of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s Call for Information and Nominations for offshore wind power commercial leasing in the Gulf of Maine.
The organizations issued the following joint statement:
“BOEM’s invitation for public comment on proposed offshore wind development in areas off the coast of Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire is a significant next step in realizing the benefits of clean energy for the region’s climate goals and helping the country reach the Biden Administration’s target of building 30 GW of offshore wind nationally by 2030 and an additional 15 GW of floating offshore wind by 2035.
Deploying responsibly developed offshore wind at this scale could provide thousands of high-quality job opportunities for New England’s workforce and drive equitable access to economic opportunities, while building wealth in communities that have been historically overburdened by energy production.
We appreciate BOEM’s thoughtful approach to understanding the public’s concerns about offshore wind development in the Gulf of Maine through its comment period for this Call for Information and Nominations, as well as its next Gulf of Maine Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force meeting in Bangor, Maine in May. We look forward to participating in both.”
On April 26, BOEM published its Gulf of Maine Call for Information and Nominations Area (Call Area) in the Federal Register to assess interest in commercial wind energy development off the coast of Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. The agency will accept comments on the Call Area through June 12.
This comment period is an important next phase in the development process for Gulf of Maine offshore wind leasing that allows stakeholders to provide input to the agency to help ensure the responsible siting and the ultimate success of offshore wind in the Gulf of Maine, including avoiding areas of highest conflict with wildlife as well as existing and traditional ocean uses.
BOEM will hold its third Gulf of Maine Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force meeting on May 10-11 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine.
Stakeholders can attend this meeting for more details on BOEM’s wind energy planning activities in relation to the Call Area and to learn about next steps for Gulf of Maine leasing.
For more information, visit BOEM’s Gulf of Maine Activities website.
About League of Conservation Voters (LCV)
The League of Conservation Voters builds political power for people and the planet. We influence policy, hold politicians accountable, and win elections to create safe and healthy communities protected by a just and equitable democracy.
About Environmental League of Massachusetts (ELM)
The Environmental League of Massachusetts advocates for policy that meets the scale and urgency of our environmental challenges.
About Maine Conservation Voters (MCV)
Maine Conservation Voters protects Maine’s environment and our democracy by influencing public policy, holding politicians accountable, and winning elections.
About New England for Offshore Wind
LCV, ELM and MCV are members of New England for Offshore Wind, a broad-based coalition of businesses and associations, environmental and justice organizations, academic institutions, and labor unions committed to combatting climate change by increasing the supply of clean energy to our regional grid through more procurements of responsibly developed offshore wind.