Press Releases

LCV Commends NH Senate for Passing Critical Climate Change Legislation

Jun 8, 2015

CONCORD, N.H. – Last week, the New Hampshire Senate passed legislation to improve the existing Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a critical piece of legislation that is fundamental to the ability of New Hampshire to achieve the carbon reduction targets of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. The successful passage of this bill followed an extensive grassroots campaign conducted by volunteers with the League of Conservation Voters (LCV):

  • LCV members collected and delivered nearly 1,000 petition signatures in support of the amendment.
  • LCV members directed over 500 phone calls and letters to swing senators in support of the amendment.
  • LCV hosted an open house for Portsmouth Mayor Robert Lister to discuss the risk of rising sea levels to Portsmouth and the important role the Clean Power Plan will play in curbing carbon emissions.

“LCV commends the bipartisan coalition that passed this bill in the Senate, highlighting New Hampshire as a national leader in combating climate change,” said Rob Werner, New Hampshire State Director of the League of Conservation Voters. “The senate version of the bill made important investments that will help prepare our communities for the impacts of climate change by appropriating $5.4 million for municipal and school projects and $2.3 million for low income energy projects and weatherization. This is a victory for the people of New Hampshire.”

Passage of the senate bill will set up a senate-house conference committee on RGGI. The NH Department of Environmental Services (NH DES) has testified before the legislature that participation in RGGI is fundamental to the ability of New Hampshire to achieve the carbon reduction targets in the Clean Power Plan.
