Washington, D.C. – The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) launched a $3.5 million vote-by-mail generation program to encourage close to 750,000 voters who historically face barriers keeping them from the polls or who have never voted by mail to request ballots ahead of the November election.
“We’re adapting to this unique moment in our nation’s history in order to reach historically underrepresented communities, especially voters of color and young voters, and make voting as accessible as possible during a health crisis that is disproportionately impacting the communities we are fighting for,” said LCV Vice President of Civic Engagement Matt Davis. “More people than ever before will vote by mail this year due to the coronavirus pandemic — we’re launching this nonpartisan program to make that process as safe and easy as possible. There’s no blueprint on how to mobilize voters to turnout during a global pandemic, but research shows that when people need to switch vote methods, education is crucial to prevent suppressive impacts.”
Experts predict that a majority of voters will cast a ballot by mail this year – whereas past elections were closer to one in four. LCV’s program staff will make millions of calls in order to have multiple touch points with voters. The goal is to encourage voters to sign-up for a mail ballot and encourage those who have already signed up to vote by mail to spread the word to their friends and family. The program will specifically target people of color, young people, and single women who are eligible to vote.