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LCV Launches Digital ad campaign in Oregon to support climate investments, alongside President Biden’s visit

Apr 21, 2022

Nick Abraham,, 206-833-7021

Portland, OR – Today, President Biden will speak at the Portland International Airport highlighting infrastructure investments passed through Congress last fall as well as his administration’s actions to protect the environment. Alongside his visit, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is running a digital ad campaign in Portland and surrounding communities urging the President and Congress to finish the job by passing federal legislation that invests in clean energy and climate action. As Earth Day approaches Friday, this is Congress’ chance to finally pass a bill that addresses climate change at the scale this dire threat deserves.

Last year, 74 Oregon state and local elected officials, including Governor Brown, signed a letter calling on Congress to support President Biden’s plan and ensure our federal infrastructure plan invests in a clean energy future and environmental justice highlighting broad support for action across the state.