Press Releases

LCV & NRDC Action Fund Announce Creation of LeadingGreen

Apr 14, 2014

New alliance will grow environmental majority across party lines

WASHINGTON, DC – League of Conservation Voters and the NRDC Action Fund announced today that they are drawing on their collective strengths to create LeadingGreen, a powerful new alliance in the environmental and political communities. 

LeadingGreen will create focused, collaborative power brokers in both advocacy and elections – a team that can target exactly the right pressure points to grow the environmental majority across party lines. It will unite top donors and influencers at the intersection of policy and politics to maximize their policy engagement and political leverage on climate change.

The alliance is comprised of three major elements: 

deepen our grasstops advocacy to influence key members of Congress.

organize dynamic regional and/or national political donor summits to develop a unified strategy heading into each election cycle.

with NRDC Action Fund PAC support, expand LCV Action Fund’s existing GiveGreen program with a goal of raising or contributing $5 million in 2014 for environmental champions (this is separate from independent expenditure spending).

LeadingGreen will also provide regular opportunities for influential leaders to engage decision makers on issues that matter and offer opportunities for influential political donors to organize around a common agenda, prioritize major issues, educate elected leaders and thought leaders on our major issues, and get informed on the power of donating through GiveGreen to elect environmental champions.
