Press Releases

LCV on House Vote on Dangerous Keystone XL Pipeline Legislation

Feb 11, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC – League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Senior Vice President of Government Affairs Tiernan Sittenfeld released this statement in anticipation of the House passing S. 1, legislation forcing approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline:    

“This dirty and dangerous bill is headed straight for a well-deserved veto.  On the heels of the EPA’s confirmation that Keystone XL fails his climate test, we commend President Obama for his commitment to veto the bill and urge him to reject the pipeline permit once and for all.  We couldn’t agree more with President Obama that we must set our sights higher than a single oil pipeline. After the hottest year on record, it’s long past time for Republican leaders in Congress to finally stand with the majority of Americans who support the President’s climate agenda rather than continuing to cater to their polluter allies.”  
