WASHINGTON – League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Senior Vice President for Campaigns Daniel J. Weiss released this statement on Joni Ernst doubling down on eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Iowa Senate debate last night, where she reminded voters why she’s been named to LCV’s Dirty Dozen:
“Joni Ernst put polluting allies like the oil billionaire Koch Brothers ahead of what’s best for Iowa. She doubled down on her pledge to give polluters a pass by shutting down the EPA, which would threaten Iowans’ air, water and health, especially vulnerable populations like kids, pregnant women and the elderly. Air and water pollution don’t respect state lines, that’s why Pres. Nixon created the EPA and Pres. George H.W. Bush signed amendments to the Clean Air Act. Joni Ernst’s radical positions may work for polluters, but they’re too extreme for Iowa families.”
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