Press Releases

LCV Releases New Polling on Clean Power Plan

Aug 27, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC – A new bipartisan poll on President Obama’s Clean Power Plan shows an overwhelming majority of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, want their governors to implement the Clean Power Plan. The poll, conducted for the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) by Democratic pollster Hart Research Associates and Republican pollster Chesapeake Beach Consulting, also confirms a broad majority of Americans are in favor of the Clean Power Plan overall.

See here for the memo highlighting the results of the poll, and see here for a full breakdown of the poll results.

“It is good news that support for the Clean Power Plan remains strong, but it’s especially good news to see that Americans want their governors on board with the plan too,” said LCV President Gene Karpinski. “State leaders who are choosing to fight these carbon pollution safeguards would do well to listen to their constituents instead of the polluters.”

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan, which was recently finalized, places the first ever federal limits on the amount of carbon pollution that power plants are allowed to dump into our air, combating climate change and protecting public health.  These safeguards are the single biggest step our country has ever taken to tackle climate change. The broad support found by this new poll highlights the political cost of opposing the Clean Power Plan.

Overview of the Results:

  • A powerful majority of American voters favor the final version of the Clean Power Plan; in fact, support trumps opposition by nearly two to one.
  • Support for the Clean Power Plan is strikingly broad—a majority of voters in every region of the country support it, as do a majority of voters in every age, education, and income category. Majorities of both Democrats and independents favor the plan, as do 4 in 10 Republicans. A near majority of Republican women (49%) and a strong majority of non-conservative Republicans (59%) support the plan.
  • The depth of voters’ support for the Clean Power Plan is seen in their overwhelming desire for their own governors to develop a plan for their state to implement the new standards; fully 70% of voters want their states to cooperate, while just 17% do not.
  • Other aspects of the Clean Power Plan draw even greater enthusiasm, with more than three in four voters saying they support greater investments in renewables and energy efficiency programs.
  • Across a broad spectrum of potential outcomes, voters expect the impact of the Clean Power Plan to be more positive than negative; in fact, across all seven measures that were tested, voters expect a net positive effect, with significant benefits around energy independence, public health, and climate change.
