Press Releases

LCV Statement Ahead of Public Meeting on the Future of Colorado’s Browns Canyon

Dec 5, 2014

WASHINGTON, DC – League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski released this statement ahead of tomorrow’s public meeting in Colorado’s Browns Canyon region. The meeting, hosted by Colorado Senators Mark Udall and Michael Bennet and attended by administration officials from the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, is meant to give local residents the chance to share their vision for how the Browns Canyon area of the Arkansas River can be permanently protected.

“The people of Colorado have worked for over a decade to further protect the Browns Canyon region of the Arkansas River. The Obama Administration is continuing to work with local stakeholders, and this open public meeting to get community feedback is an important step forward.  With a recent survey showing that almost 80% of Coloradans support establishing a Browns Canyon National Monument, we hope the President will act quickly to protect this special place for future generations.”
