Press Releases

LCV Statement on Department of Interior’s Final Methane and Waste Prevention Rule

Nov 15, 2016

Contact: Hannah Blatt, (202) 454-4554 or

WASHINGTON D.C. – In response to the Department of Interior’s final Methane and Waste Prevention Rule, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Legislative Representative Madeleine Foote issued the following statement:

“Once again the Obama administration has demonstrated that they are continuing to lead the fight to protect public health and tackle the climate crisis. Not only will this important rule reduce emissions of a powerful climate pollutant, it will also curb other toxic air pollutants that are harming the health of our families and reduce waste of a taxpayer resource that could instead be heating our homes and providing much needed revenue to federal, local and tribal governments. This rule is a commonsense strategy to reducing harmful methane emissions while we work to build a truly renewable energy future, and we are committed to defending it, along with all the other pieces of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan.”
