Press Releases

LCV Statement on Congressional Attempts to Block EPA’s Proposed Clean Water Rule

Apr 30, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, the House is expected to pass the anti-environmental Energy and Water Appropriations bill, which along with other concerning items contains a harmful rider that would block the EPA’s proposed Clean Water Rule. At the same time, Senate opponents unveiled legislation to undermine the rule through needless delay and arbitrary guidelines and exemptions. The House is also expected to pass Reps. Shuster’s and Gibb’s H.R. 1732, a standalone bill to withdraw the proposed rule, before the agency has even released its final proposal. In response, LCV Legislative Representative Madeleine Foote issued the following statement:

“It is simply unacceptable that certain members of Congress are trying to stop the EPA from issuing science-based protections for our water.  Americans have shown that clean water is one of their top environmental concerns, and that they trust the EPA, not Congress, to protect the health of their families. For the one in three Americans whose drinking water will be protected by the EPA’s Clean Water Rule, the wait has been long enough.”
