Press Releases

LCV Statement on Filing of Congressional Review Act Resolutions on the Clean Power Plan

Oct 27, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, members of Congress filed Congressional Review Act resolutions which would permanently block the implementation of the recently finalized Clean Power Plan. In response, LCV Vice President of Government Affairs Sara Chieffo issued the following statement:

“This is just another dirty attack on the Clean Power Plan by big polluters and their allies in Congress, and we are confident it will ultimately fail. While they are resorting to radical legislative tactics, a broad and diverse set of stakeholders—including utilities, public health experts, clean energy advocates and others—have embraced these national carbon pollution limits on power plants. This is nothing more than a desperate attempt to undermine the momentum leading into the Paris climate negotiations. Over 150 countries, including all major emitters, have already put forward climate commitments covering 90% of global emissions. These historic safeguards demonstrate the United States’ leadership in the global movement to act on climate change.”
