Washington, D.C. — In anticipation of the 58th anniversary of the March on Washington and Saturday’s March On For Washington and Voting Rights, the League of Conservation Voters released the following statement from President Gene Karpinski who is participating in the day’s events:
“58 years ago, Dr. King led the March on Washington — this weekend, I am proud to march alongside the more than 250 social justice organizations that continue to fight for an end to current-day voter suppression tactics and to give power to the people once and for all. We will never achieve environmental justice if the communities most affected by climate change and pollution are not represented in our democracy. Together we march and demand that Congress denounce voter suppression, ensure fair, easy access to the vote for all, and finally give the 700,000 majority Black and Brown residents of D.C. a vote in Congress — it’s time for the Senate to eliminate the filibuster and pass the For the People Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and D.C. Statehood.”