Press Releases

LCV Statement on Passage of the Senate Budget Resolution

Mar 27, 2015

Washington, DC: League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Legislative Director Sara Chieffo released this statement in response to the passage of the Senate budget resolution: 

“The priorities of the McConnell Senate are now perfectly clear—the Senate-passed budget puts the interests of big polluters ahead of American families. This continued assault on clean air and water, with repeated votes to undermine public health, puts this budget at odds with the common-sense environmental protections that Americans want. While a majority of Senate Republicans failed to acknowledge man-made climate change and the need to act, the adoption of the Bennet amendment shows the politics on climate change continue to shift. Similarly, while we were heartened by the bipartisan opposition to an attack on our natural heritage, it is still highly disappointing that the McConnell Senate went on record supporting an extreme proposal to seize and sell our magnificent public lands to the highest bidder.”
