Press Releases

LCV Statement on the Passage through Committee of the Senate Interior-EPA Appropriations Bill

Jun 16, 2016

Washington, D.C. – In response to the Interior-EPA Appropriations bill passing the Senate Appropriations Committee, LCV Deputy Legislative Director Alex Taurel issued the following statement:

“Big Polluters must be very pleased that Senate Republican leaders have chosen this particular spending bill to sneak in poison-pill riders.  Attacks on the Clean Water Rule, endangered species, and our public lands—among other anti-environmental policy riders—simply have no place in spending bills.  We need a clean budget that moves our country forward and fully funds the environmental safeguards that protect our air, water, lands and wildlife.  We thank Senator Udall and those who voted for his effort to remove the harmful ideological riders from the bill and hope that those efforts are ultimately successful before this bill becomes law.”    
