Washington, D.C. — In anticipation of the expected passage of the Great American Outdoors Act through the U.S. Senate, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) issued the following statement from Conservation Program Director Alex Taurel:
“We are incredibly excited at the momentum behind this landmark legislation to help people and communities access America’s outdoors. We support the Great American Outdoors Act in part because it helps make access to nature more equitable and can reinvigorate local economies across the country by building out our park and public lands infrastructure and supporting outdoor recreation and tourism jobs. It’s long past time for Congress to fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund. We urge the House of Representatives to take up this legislation as-is and as soon as possible.
“Creating and maintaining parks is so important, but recent events have highlighted the need for Black communities, and other communities of color, to be able to be safe and welcome in them—to jog, to bird watch, to protest, and to enjoy our natural heritage and outdoor spaces without fear. We look forward to working with Congress and others on ways to address those barriers to equity and inclusion in the United States.”
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