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Press Releases

LCV Statement on the Trump Administration’s Announcement on the Tongass National Forest

Oct 15, 2019

Contact: Emily Samsel,, 202-454-4573

Washington, DC — In response to the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement affecting Alaska’s Tongass National Forest, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) issued the following statement from Conservation Program Director Alex Taurel:

“At a time when the world’s rainforests are already under assault, opening the Tongass – the world’s biggest intact temperate rainforest – is the last thing we should do. President Trump’s assault on our public lands and climate continues. Trump wants to allow clear-cut logging in these pristine, backcountry areas but chopping down old-growth trees that store carbon would harm our climate and the region’s fishing and tourism economies. We’re going to mobilize LCV’s members to fight this attack on the Roadless Rule and protect the majestic Tongass National Forest.”

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